By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | September 14th, 2014

The hospital has first of its kind state-of-art infrastructure. Hospital is equipped with all the advance medical technology including Cath lab having 15 inch Flat panel detector making it one of the most advanced Cath lab of the tri-city, 16 slice spiral CT Scan has advance software which can conduct whole body scan in mere 3 minutes in case of Trauma and having most advanced standing open MRI and fastest in the Tri-city. This is the first such machine in northern India. Hospital has its unique emergency department with a triage having three clearly demarcated zones.

Another unique feature of the hospital is the Modular ICU’s and Modular OT”s for providing the aseptic conditions to the patients

The best thing about Eden is its accessibility; we are well-connected with the various highways leading into Chandigarh. The hospital is situated at the centre of the city.

The managing director and Neurosurgeon Dr.Sanjay Bansal has provided the best healthcare facility to the city of beautiful as a tribute with courtesy and compassion. Tricity should feel proud for having such a well equipped medical facility in their city.

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